Friday 18 October 2013

The Glass Castle

Jeannette at age 3
This photo reminds me of the chapter when Jeannette was three years old and her parents had allowed her to cook hotdogs on the stove without their supervision, and jeannette had been hospitalized for several weeks, and because of her being hospitalized, she didnt want to go back home, because she loved the way the hospital had treated her and let her do things, her parents normally would not allow, but eventually her father has snuck her out of the hospital and took her back home.

Las Vegas Motel

This photo reminds me of scene when Jeannette and her family had moved to Las Vegas for a month so far because they moved away from where they lived before but at the time they did not have much money as the father was an alcoholic and did not have a job, so they rented a motel, which was not very luxerious. 

The Green Lantern
This photo here reminds me of the part where the Walls children, Brian and Jeanette were walking around the city of Battle Mountain and Brian and Jeannette are so curious of what the Green Lantern acutally was, The Green Lantern was a brothel was a house where men visit prostitutes, and at the time the kids did not know what happened inside the building, and Brian had met a prostitute, named Ginger, who was outside on her lunch break.

The New House

This photo reminds me of when the whole family had moved away from Las Vegas and went to Arizona, where the mother Rose-Mary had inheritied an adobe mansion in Arizona, and the house had 14 rooms, including the bathrooms and kitchens, they had moved for two reasons, one because that is what the mother inheritied and because in arizona where they lived they had some fueds with the family next door.

Shooting from Billy Deel
This photo reminds me of when the parents had recently gone out, and the kids were all home by theirself's the next door neigbor named Billy was trying to get at Jeannette as he claimed he raped her in the shed, and she had gotten mad and took her anger out on him at his home, so he decided to shoot at the window

The Gypsies
This photo reminds me of when the Walls family finally moves to Pheonix and they move into a community filled  of Gypsies and a host of perverts, and one of the gypsys decided to put a dead chicken on their front pourch because Rose Mary had threatened the family and also had got their scooter back, as the gypsy family had taken the scooter from their property

The Pervert
This photo reminds me of the part of the story where the Walls parents decide to leave the front and back doors wide open at night, becuase the house has no air conditioning and it is really hot, so they let the doors fly open so they get nice air during the night, and one of the perverts decide to wander in the house and start to touch Jeannette and she wakes up screaming "PERVERT" and ever since the kids and the father would keep a bat beside their bed and go pervert hunting at night when they felt like that was their main priority 

Billy Deels Dad
This photo reminds me of the part before the family moves to Pheonix, and there is a boy next door named Billy Deel, he lures Jeanette to his house so that the two can laugh at his father, who has passed out and urinated on himself, and the house that Billy Deel lives in absolutly disgusting and has a horrifying smell, and on the same day while playing hide and go seek, Jeanette finds a shack to hide in. While hiding Billy shows up and attempts to rape her


  1. Good blog, I like how you explained your picture to the text from the book and explained it all thoroughly. One small thing I would change is just your punctuation. Most if not all of your paragraphs are well written, but are run on sentences.

    1. LOL i know, my punctuation wasnt well, but Thanks ;)

  2. Very good job, you used very relivent photos for each post, and i like the amount of detail you used for each. You also included all the important things to do with biily.

  3. The pictures you used related to your text very well. Also you used many different scenes from throughout different periods of the book, however i do think it may have been nice to see more variety in your portings not just plot which your pictures reminded you of.
